AI For Content Writing

AI Tools For Content Writing

How to Chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp (Currently in Limited Beta)

How to Chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp (Currently in Limited Beta)

Reading Time: 2 minutes How to Chat with Meta AI on WhatsApp (Currently in Limited Beta) Curious about the possibilities of AI-powered conversation? Meta has begun rolling out a limited beta feature that allows users in select regions (including India) to chat with Meta AI directly on WhatsApp. This guide will walk you through the steps to get started…

5 Ways ChatGPT Can Supercharge Your Sales

5 Ways ChatGPT Can Supercharge Your Sales

Reading Time: 3 minutes 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Supercharge Your Sales The AI revolution is transforming businesses, and sales are no exception. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a powerful AI tool for generating human-like text, can be a valuable asset for sales teams of all sizes. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, businesses can see significant improvements in lead generation, conversion rates, and overall…

Is the Human Writer Becoming Obsolete? AI and the Future of Creativity

Is the Human Writer Becoming Obsolete? AI and the Future of Creativity

Reading Time: 9 minutes Is the Human Writer Becoming Obsolete? AI and the Future of Creativity Writing can feel like a rollercoaster of uncertainty, not just wondering if anyone will read it, but grappling with countless choices along the way. Imagine sitting down to write an essay. You’re faced with a mind-boggling array of options for the opening line…

Compare Llama 3 GPT-4 and Gemini

Compare Llama 3 GPT-4 and Gemini

Reading Time: 2 minutes Compare  Llama 3, GPT-4, and Gemini Size and Accessibility: Llama 3: Two sizes, 8 billion and 70 billion parameters. Open-source, free to use and modify. GPT-4: 1.7 trillion parameters (much larger). Proprietary, limited access through OpenAI’s platform. Gemini: Parameter size not publicly disclosed. Proprietary, developed and used by Google. Performance: Llama 3: Surprises with strong performance in reasoning and…

Is Perplexity AI better than Google?

Is Perplexity AI better than Google?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Is Perplexity AI better than Google? Perplexity AI and Google AI are both big players in the world of information retrieval, but they take different approaches: Search Style: Google Search is a traditional search engine, relying on keywords and ranking algorithms to return a list of webpages. Perplexity AI uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand…

Google Gemini Basic vs Advanced – Who Wins the AI Throne?

Google Gemini Basic vs Advanced – Who Wins the AI Throne?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Google Gemini Basic vs Advanced – Who Wins the AI Throne? Both Google Gemini and Gemini Advanced are AI models, but they have some key differences. Learn About OpenAI Sora Text to Video Basic Gemini: Freemium: Available for free with some limitations. Capabilities: Answers your questions, translates languages, and writes different kinds of creative text formats. Limited…

Should You Pay for a Chatbot? Comparing ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro in 2024

Should You Pay for a Chatbot? Comparing ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro in 2024

Reading Time: 8 minutes Comparing ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro Both Chatbots Features: The main Difference between  Copilot Pro and ChatGPT Plus can generate images using DALL-E 3, and have custom versions of themselves known as GPTs with links to specialist data and functions. The premium plan allows users to build their own custom chatbot on top of either…

These 9 BEST CHATGPT PLUGINS Will Change Everything

These 9 BEST CHATGPT PLUGINS Will Change Everything

Reading Time: 5 minutes These 9 BEST CHATGPT PLUGINS Will Change Everything In this blog post, we’re going to explore the 10 best ChatGPT plugins that can take your chatbot interactions to the next level. Whether you’re looking to add more data, visuals, or functionality, there’s a plugin out there that can help you achieve your goals. Introduction ChatGPT…

Will OpenAI replace Google? A Tale of Two Titans 2024

Will OpenAI replace Google? A Tale of Two Titans 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes Will OpenAI replace Google? A Tale of Two Titans 2024 In the ever-evolving landscape of information retrieval, a fascinating battle for dominance is brewing. On one side sits Google, the undisputed search king, a behemoth that has redefined how we interact with knowledge for over two decades. On the other, a rising star emerges –…

How to Make ChatGPT Write Longer 2024

How to Make ChatGPT Write Longer 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes How to Make ChatGPT Write Longer 2024 There are ways to encourage ChatGPT to write longer and more detailed outputs despite its tendency to generate concise responses by default. Here are some tips and tricks you can try. Prompting: Ask directly: The most straightforward approach is simply requesting a more extended response. You can say things…